Family Camping Weekend — Our Queen for a Day

Edna in WagonWe had another enjoyable family camping weekend this fall. As usual, the bonfires were cozy and the food was delicious. And, of course, it’s always great to catch up with family. Activities included a hay wagon ride, a nature scavenger hunt and a rousing Ranger relay race that included super soakers and water balloons, both of which were not always aimed at the intended inanimate targets. A highlight of the weekend was the crowning of Aunt Edna as Queen for a Day.

Edna is my 99-year-old great aunt, my grandma Mary’s older sister. She has a strong “gotta keep moving” attitude, and she is flexible enough to bend over and touch the floor flat-handed, something I can only dream of doing. Edna basically raised Grandma Danson (their mother died at a young age), and the crowning was a light-hearted way to thank her for what she did.

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